日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20518 次

表 table
字段a 字段b 字段c
111 2012-1-1 10
111 2012-1-2 5
111 2012-1-3 3
222 2012-2-1 10
222 2012-2-2 5
222 2012-2-3 8

111 日期是最大的 2012-1-3 字段c 是 3
222 日期是最大的 2012-2-3 字段c 是 8

111 2012-1-3 3 -
222 2012-2-3 8 -

select * from test a where a.字段b=(select max(字段b) from test b where a.字段a=b.字段a)
SQL code

select t1.a,t1.b,t1.c from table t1 join 
(select a,max(b) as maxDate from table group by a) t2
on t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.maxDate

SQL code
select  * from tb t where 字段b=(select max(字段b) from tb where 字段a=t.字段a)

SQL code

select t.字段a,t.字段b,t.字段c
(select row_number() over(partition by 字段a order by 字段b desc) rn,
字段a,字段b,字段c from tab) t
where t.rn=1

SQL code

select * from table a
where not exists(select 1 from table b where a.字段a=b.字段b and a.字段b<b.字段b )

select * from table where b in(select max(b) from table group by a)