日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20618 次
create table tableA ( tbAId int identity(1,1), tbAName varchar(10), tbAValue int, Task varchar(30) ) insert into tableA select 'A1', 0 ,'B1' union all select 'A2', 1, 'B1'union all select 'A3', 2, 'B1'union all select 'A4', 3, 'B1'union all select 'A9',0, 'B2'union all select 'A10', 1, 'B2'union all select 'A11', 2, 'B2' create table tableB(tbBId int identity(1,1), b1 int, b2 int) insert into tableb select 3, 1 union all select 1, 0 union all select 2 ,0 union all select 0, 2 declare @sql varchar(max) set @sql='select b2name' select @sql=@sql+',SUM(case b1name when '''+b1name+''' then 1 else 0 end ) as ['+b1name+']' from (SELECT DISTINCT B1NAME FROM (select b1,(select tbAName from tablea where a.b1=tbAValue and task='B1') as b1name,b2,(select tbAName from tablea where a.b2=tbAValue and task='B2') as b2name from tableb a )A )b --PRINT @SQL SET @SQL=@SQL+'FROM (select b1,(select tbAName from tablea where a.b1=tbAValue and task=''B1'') as b1name,b2,(select tbAName from tablea where a.b2=tbAValue and task=''B2'') as b2name from tableb a )B GROUP BY B2NAME ORDER BY B2NAME DESC' PRINT @SQL EXEC (@SQL)