日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20630 次



Student(sid,Sname) 学生表
Course(cid,Cname) 课程表
SC(sid,cid,score) 成绩表

if OBJECT_ID('student')is not null
drop table tbl
create table student(
stuid int,
stuname varchar(10)
insert student
select 1,'tracy' union all
select 2,'tom' union all
select 3,'lucy' union all
select 4,'cate' union all
select 5,'lily'
if OBJECT_ID('course') is not null
drop table course
create table Course(
cid int,
cname varchar(10)
insert course
select 1,'javaee' union all
select 2,'c++' union all
select 3,'java' union all
select 4,'jsp' union all
select 5,'SQL Server'

if OBJECT_ID('SC') is not null
drop table SC
create table SC(
stuid int,
cid int,
score int
insert SC
select 1,2,68 union all
select 1,3,68 union all
select 1,5,68 union all
select 2,2,68 union all
select 2,4,68 union all
select 3,2,68 union all
select 3,3,68 union all
select 3,5,68 union all
select 4,1,68 union all
select 5,1,68 union all
select 5,2,68 

select a.stuid,b.stuname from(
select stuid from SC where cid in(select cid from SC
where stuid=1) and stuid<>1
group by stuid having COUNT(*)=(select 
COUNT(cid) from SC where stuid=1))a
inner join student b on a.stuid=b.stuid
stuid stuname
3 lucy
SQL code

select a.stuid,b.stuname from(
select stuid from SC where 
exists( select 1 from SC where stuid=1) 
and stuid<>1
group by stuid 
having COUNT(*)=(select 
COUNT(cid) from SC where stuid=1))a
inner join student b on a.stuid=b.stuid
stuid stuname
3 lucy

SQL code

declare @sql nvarchar(max)
set @sql='
;with t as(
select stuid,stuname,'
select  @sql=@sql+' max(case cname when '''+isnull(cname,'')+''' then ''1'' else ''0'' end)+' from (select distinct cname from student inner join SC
on student.stuid=SC.stuid inner join course
on course.cid=SC.cid)t
select @sql=substring(@sql,1,len(@sql)-1)
select @sql=@sql+'as course  from (select student.stuid,student.stuname,cname from student inner join SC
on student.stuid=SC.stuid inner join course
on course.cid=SC.cid) t
group by stuid,stuname)
select t1.stuname from t left join t t1 on t.course=t1.course
and t.stuname<>t1.stuname
where t.stuid=1
exec( @sql)

SQL code

select t.sid,t.sname
from student t
where t.sid<>1 and 
not exists(
(select b.cid from student a 
 inner join sc b on a.sid=b.sid and a.sid=1)
(select b.cid from student a
 inner join sc b on a.sid=b.sid and a.sid=t.sid)

SQL code

select t.sid,t.sname
from student t
where t.sid<>1 and
not exists(
(select b.cid from student a
inner join sc b on a.sid=b.sid and a.sid=1)
(select b.cid from student a

SQL code

;with t as (
select student.stuid,student.stuname,SC.cid,b.CNT from student inner join SC
on student.stuid=SC.stuid inner join (select stuid,count(*) as CNT from SC group by stuid) b
on b.stuid=student.stuid)
select t1.stuid,t1.stuname from t left join t t1
on t.cid=t1.cid
and t.stuid<>t1.stuid
where t.stuid=1
and t1.CNT=t.CNT
group by t1.stuid,t1.stuname
having count(1)=avg(t.CNT)