日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20986 次
select sum(case when priceuint='美元' then price*汇率 else price end) from A表,B表 where A.contractno=b.contractno and adddate between '2012-1-1' and '2012-1-10'
select a.AddDate,SUM(b.Price)as total from a join b on a.ContractNO=b.ContractNO
where a.AddDate between '2012-1-1' and '2012-1-10'
group by a.AddDate
declare @A表 table (ID int,ContractNO varchar(7),AddDate datetime) insert into @A表 select 1,'0120252','2011-12-12' union all select 2,'0120373','2012-1-5' union all select 3,'0120389','2012-1-15' declare @B表 table (ID int,ContractNO varchar(7),ProductName varchar(5),Price numeric(4,2),PriceUnit varchar(4)) insert into @B表 select 1,'0120252','产品1',10.00,'元' union all select 2,'0120252','产品2',20.00,'元' union all select 3,'0120373','产品1',5.00,'美元' union all select 4,'0120373','产品2',5.00,'美元' union all select 5,'0120389','产品1',15.00,'元' select sum(case when PriceUnit='美元' then 6.3161*price else price end) from @A表 a left join @B表 b on a.ContractNO=b.ContractNO where a.AddDate between '2012-01-01' and '2012-01-10' /* 63.161000 */
declare @a table(id int identity,contractno varchar(10),adddate datetime) insert into @a(contractno,adddate) values('0120252','2011-12-12') insert into @a(contractno,adddate) values('0120373','2012-1-5') insert into @a(contractno,adddate) values('0120389','2012-1-15') declare @b table(id int identity,contractno varchar(10),productname varchar(10),price numeric(4,2),priceunit varchar(4)) insert into @b(contractno,productname,price,priceunit) select '0120252','产品1',10.00,'元' union all select '0120252','产品2',20.00,'元' union all select '0120373','产品1',5.00,'美元' union all select '0120373','产品2',5.00,'美元' union all select '0120389','产品1',15.00,'元' declare @from datetime,@to datetime set @from='2011-1-5' set @to='2012-1-15' select SUM(price) total,priceunit from @b where contractno in (select contractno from @a where adddate between @from and @to) group by priceunit
sum价格总计分类,left join 就可以了。
create table COA ( id int, contractno varchar(20), adddate date ) create table COB ( id int, contractno varchar(20), productname varchar(20), price float, priceUnit varchar(30) ) insert into COA select 1,'0120252','2011-12-12' union all select 2,'0120373','2012-1-5' union all select 3,'0120389','2012-1-15' insert into COB select 1,'0120252','产品1',10.00,'元' union all select 2,'0120252','产品2',20.00,'元' union all select 3,'0120373','产品1',5.00,'美元' union all select 4,'0120373','产品2',5.00,'美元' union all select 5,'0120389','产品1',15.00,'元' select productname , SUM(case when priceUnit='美元' then price*6.134 else price end) totalPrice from COA left join COB on COA.contractno=COB.contractno where adddate between '2011-01-01' and '2012-01-10' group by productname;