日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20986 次

A表 合同基本信息表
ID ContractNO AddDate
1 0120252 2011-12-12
2 0120373 2012-1-5
3 0120389 2012-1-15

B表 合同产品信息表
ID ContractNO ProductName Price PriceUnit
1 0120252 产品1 10.00 元 
2 0120252 产品2 20.00 元 
3 0120373 产品1 5.00 美元
4 0120373 产品2 5.00 美元
5 0120389 产品1 15.00 元


SQL code

select sum(case when priceuint='美元' then price*汇率 else price end)
from A表,B表
where A.contractno=b.contractno and adddate between '2012-1-1' and '2012-1-10'

select a.AddDate,SUM(b.Price)as total from a join b on a.ContractNO=b.ContractNO
where a.AddDate between '2012-1-1' and '2012-1-10'
group by a.AddDate
SQL code

declare @A表 table
(ID int,ContractNO varchar(7),AddDate datetime)
insert into @A表
select 1,'0120252','2011-12-12' union all
select 2,'0120373','2012-1-5' union all
select 3,'0120389','2012-1-15'
declare @B表 table 
(ID int,ContractNO varchar(7),ProductName varchar(5),Price numeric(4,2),PriceUnit varchar(4))
insert into @B表
select 1,'0120252','产品1',10.00,'元' union all
select 2,'0120252','产品2',20.00,'元' union all
select 3,'0120373','产品1',5.00,'美元' union all
select 4,'0120373','产品2',5.00,'美元' union all
select 5,'0120389','产品1',15.00,'元'

select sum(case when PriceUnit='美元' then 6.3161*price else price end) 
from @A表 a left join @B表 b on a.ContractNO=b.ContractNO
where a.AddDate between '2012-01-01' and '2012-01-10'


SQL code

declare @a table(id int identity,contractno varchar(10),adddate datetime)
insert into @a(contractno,adddate) values('0120252','2011-12-12')
insert into @a(contractno,adddate) values('0120373','2012-1-5')
insert into @a(contractno,adddate) values('0120389','2012-1-15') 
declare @b table(id int identity,contractno varchar(10),productname varchar(10),price numeric(4,2),priceunit varchar(4))
insert into @b(contractno,productname,price,priceunit) 
select '0120252','产品1',10.00,'元' union all
select '0120252','产品2',20.00,'元' union all
select '0120373','产品1',5.00,'美元' union all
select '0120373','产品2',5.00,'美元' union all
select '0120389','产品1',15.00,'元'  
declare @from datetime,@to datetime
set @from='2011-1-5'
set @to='2012-1-15'
select SUM(price) total,priceunit from @b where contractno in (select contractno from @a where adddate between @from and @to)
group by priceunit

sum价格总计分类,left join 就可以了。
SQL code
create table COA
id int,
contractno varchar(20),
adddate date
create table COB
id int,
contractno varchar(20),
productname varchar(20),
price float,
priceUnit varchar(30)
insert into COA
select 1,'0120252','2011-12-12' union all
select 2,'0120373','2012-1-5' union all
select 3,'0120389','2012-1-15'
insert into COB
select 1,'0120252','产品1',10.00,'元' union all
select 2,'0120252','产品2',20.00,'元' union all
select 3,'0120373','产品1',5.00,'美元' union all
select 4,'0120373','产品2',5.00,'美元' union all
select 5,'0120389','产品1',15.00,'元'

select productname ,
SUM(case when priceUnit='美元' then price*6.134 else price end) totalPrice
from COA
left join COB on COA.contractno=COB.contractno
where adddate between '2011-01-01' and '2012-01-10'
group by productname;

SQL code