日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20456 次
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[corpListRealUser] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @myCountrys varchar(500), @myCategorys varchar(500), @myTopic decimal, @myPriceL int, @myPriceH int, @myOrderType int, @myOrderFlag int, @mySerKeyword varchar(500), @CI_StartRecordIndex int, @CI_EndRecordIndex int AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON; -- Insert statements for procedure here declare @str varchar(1000),@strOrder varchar(200) set @str='' declare @split varchar(1) set @split=',' if @myTopic>0 begin set @str=@str+'and topic_ID='+rtrim(@myTopic) end set @str=@str+'and CI_Charge BETWEEN '+rtrim(@myPriceL)+' AND '+rtrim(@myPriceH) if @myCountrys<>'0' --把国家参数拆分存为@t_country:start begin declare @t_country table(m varchar(200)) while charindex(rtrim(@split),@myCountrys)<>0 begin set @myCountrys=ltrim(rtrim(@myCountrys)) if(substring(@myCountrys,1,1)<>@split) begin insert into @t_country (m) values(substring(@myCountrys,1,charindex(@split,@myCountrys)-1)) set @myCountrys =stuff(@myCountrys,1,charindex(@split,@myCountrys),'') end else begin set @myCountrys=stuff(@myCountrys,1,1,'') end end if rtrim(@myCountrys) <>'' insert into @t_country (m) values (@myCountrys) --把国家参数拆分存为@t_country:end set @str=@str+'and exists(select * from @t_country where TE_CorpInfoReal.Country_ID=m)' end if @myCategorys<>'0' --把类别参数拆分存为@t_country:start begin declare @t_Category table(n varchar(200)) while charindex(rtrim(@split),@myCategorys)<>0 begin set @myCategorys=ltrim(rtrim(@myCategorys)) if(substring(@myCategorys,1,1)<>@split) begin insert into @t_Category (n) values(substring(@myCategorys,1,charindex(@split,@myCategorys)-1)) set @myCategorys =stuff(@myCategorys,1,charindex(@split,@myCategorys),'') end else begin set @myCategorys=stuff(@myCategorys,1,1,'') end end if rtrim(@myCategorys) <>'' insert into @t_Category (n) values (@myCategorys) --把类别参数拆分存为@t_country:end set @str=@str+'and exists( select * from @t_Category where charindex('+@split+' + m + '+@split+', '+@split+' + TE_CorpInfoReal.C_ChildID) > 0)' end if @mySerKeyword<>'' begin --set @str=@str+'and (CI_Keywords like ''%'+ @mySerKeyword +'%'' or CI_Profile like ''%'+ @mySerKeyword +'%'' or CI_CorpName like ''%'+ @mySerKeyword +'%'')' set @str=@str+'and (CI_Keywords like ''%'+ @mySerKeyword +'%'')' end set @strOrder='' declare @orderPX varchar(10) if @myOrderFlag=1 set @orderPX=' asc' else set @orderPX=' desc' if @myOrderType=1 begin set @strOrder=@strOrder+'order by CI_ModifyTime'+@orderPX end else if @myOrderType=2 begin set @strOrder=@strOrder+'order by CI_Charge'+@orderPX end else if @myOrderType=3 begin set @strOrder=@strOrder+'order by CI_ClickTimes'+@orderPX end else if @myOrderType=4 begin set @strOrder=@strOrder+'order by CI_BuyTimes'+@orderPX end else begin set @strOrder=@strOrder+'order