日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20480 次
select id from 表A where [name]='小乔'
create table #tid
(id1 li int identity,
id varchar(20),
name varchar(50),
sex varchar(2))
insert into #tid
select (ID,Name,Sex )
from 表A
select id1 from #tid where NAME = '小乔'
select t2.* from #tid t1, #tid t2
where t1.NAME = '小乔'
and t1.id1+2>t2.id1
and t1.id1-2<t2.id1
and t2.name<>'小乔'
select count(sex),sex
from 表A
group by sex
select oid as '第几条' from ( select row_number() over (order by id) as oid,* from 表 ) t where Name='小乔'
drop table A create table A(id nvarchar(10),name nvarchar(10),sex char(2)) insert into A select 'aaa','刘备','男' union select 'bbb','赵云','男' union select 'ccc','孙权','男' union select 'ccc','小乔','女' select px from # where name='小乔' select * from # where px between (select px from # where name='小乔')-1 and (select px from # where name='小乔')+1 select [Sex],count([Sex]) as cnt from # group by [sex]
select px=identity(int,1,1),* into # from a
-->生成测试数据 declare @tb table([ID] nvarchar(3),[Name] nvarchar(3),[Sex] nvarchar(1)) Insert @tb select N'aaa',N'刘备',N'男' union all select N'bbb',N'赵云',N'男' union all select N'ccc',N'马超',N'男' union all select N'ddd',N'孔明',N'男' union all select N'eee',N'小乔',N'女' union all select N'fff',N'大乔',N'女' union all select N'ggg',N'孙尚香',N'女' union all select N'hhh',N'张飞',N'男' union all select N'jjj',N'黄忠',N'男' union all select N'kkk',N'关羽',N'男' union all select N'lll',N'甘宁',N'男' union all select N'mmm',N'孙权',N'男' select id from @tb where [name] = '小乔' /* eee */ select px= count(1) from @tb where id<= (select id from @tb where [name]='小乔') /* 5 */ select * from ( select px =(select count(1) from @tb where id<=t.id),t.* from @tb t )A where px between (select count(1) from @tb where id <=(select id from @tb where [name]='小乔'))-2 and (select count(1) from @tb where id <=(select id from @tb where [name]='小乔'))+2 and [name]!='小乔' /* px ID Name Sex ----------- ---- ---- ---- 3 ccc 马超 男 4 ddd 孔明 男 5 eee 小乔 女 6 fff 大乔 女 7 ggg 孙尚香 女 */ select sum (case [Sex] when '男' then 1 else 0 end) as '男', sum (case [Sex] when '女' then 1 else 0 end) as '女', case when sum (case [Sex] when '男' then 1 else 0 end) >= sum (case [Sex] when '男' then 1 else 0 end) then '男多于女' else '女多于男' end as '结果' from @tb /* 男 女 结果 ----------- ----------- -------- 9 3 男多于女 */