日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20603 次
/*================================================================================== NAME: Decrypt SQL 2005 stored procedures, functions, views, and triggers DESCRIPTION: HEADS UP: In order to run this script you must log in to the server in DAC mode: To do so, type ADMIN:<SQLInstanceName> as your server name and use the "sa" or any other server admin user with the appropriate password. CAUTION! DAC (dedicated admin access) will kick out all other server users. The script below accepts an object (schema name + object name) that were created using the WITH ENCRYPTION option and returns the decrypted script that creates the object. This script is useful to decrypt stored procedures, views, functions, and triggers that were created WITH ENCRYPTION. The algorithm used below is the following: 1. Check that the object exists and that it is encrypted. 2. In order to decrypt the object, the script ALTER (!!!) it and later restores the object to its original one. This is required as part of the decryption process: The object is altered to contain dummy text (the ALTER uses WITH ENCRYPTION) and then compared to the CREATE statement of the same dummy content. Note: The object is altered in a transaction, which is rolled back immediately after the object is changed to restore all previous settings. 3. A XOR operation between the original binary stream of the enrypted object with the binary representation of the dummy object and the binary version of the object in clear-text is used to decrypt the original object. USER PARAMETERS: @ObjectOwnerOrSchema @ObjectName RESULTSET: NA RESULTSET SORT: NA USING TABLES/VIEWS: sys.sysobjvalues syscomments REVISIONS DATE DEVELOPER DESCRIPTION OF REVISION VERSION ========= =============== ================================= =========== 01/01/2007 Omri Bahat Initial release 1.00 ================================================================================== Copyright SQL Farms Solutions, www.sqlfarms.com. All rights reserved. This code can be used only for non-redistributable purposes. The code can be used for free as long as this copyright notice is not removed. ==================================================================================*/ DECLARE @ObjectOwnerOrSchema NVARCHAR(128) DECLARE @ObjectName NVARCHAR(128) SET @ObjectOwnerOrSchema = 'dbo' SET @ObjectName = 'myproc' DECLARE @i INT DECLARE @ObjectDataLength INT DECLARE @ContentOfEncryptedObject NVARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @ContentOfDecryptedObject NVARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @ContentOfFakeObject NVARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @ContentOfFakeEncryptedObject NVARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @ObjectType NVARCHAR(128) DECLARE @ObjectID INT SET NOCOUNT ON SET @ObjectID = OBJECT_ID('[' + @ObjectOwnerOrSchema + '].[' + @ObjectName + ']') -- Check that the provided object exists in the database. IF @ObjectID IS NULL BEGIN RAISERROR('The object name or schema provided does not exist in the database', 16, 1) RETURN