日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20604 次
create table tb(序号 int,价格 varchar(20)) insert into tb select 1,'100,150,400,450,668' insert into tb select 2,'350,510,600,750,768' insert into tb select 3,'250,450,460,550,668' go declare @min int,@max int set @min=200 set @max=400 --你可以改变这两个值 select distinct 序号 from( select a.序号,substring(a.价格,b.number,charindex(',',a.价格+',',b.number+1)-b.number)价格 from tb a,master..spt_values b where b.type='p' and b.number<=len(a.价格) and substring(a.价格,b.number,1)<>',' and substring(','+a.价格,b.number,1)=',' )t where 价格 between @min and @max /* 序号 ----------- 1 2 3 (3 行受影响) */ go drop table tb
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