日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20539 次
select * from (select id , recvdate , value where id = xx order by recvdate desc limit 1)a inner join (select id , recvdate , value where id = xx order by recvdate asc limit 1)b on a.id=b.id inner join ( select id , recvdate , value where id = xx order by value desc limit 1 )c on b.id=c.id inner join ( select id , recvdate , value where id = xx order by value desc limit 1 )d on c.id=d.id
select convert(varchar(10),pushtime,120)时间,code as 代码, (select top 1 price from tb b where code=a.code and convert(varchar(10),pushtime,120)=convert(varchar(10),a.pushtime,120) and not exists(select 1 from tb where code=a.code and convert(varchar(10),pushtime,120)=convert(varchar(10),a.pushtime,120) and pushtime<b.pushtime)) as 开盘价, (select top 1 price from tb b where code=a.code and convert(varchar(10),pushtime,120)=convert(varchar(10),a.pushtime,120) and not exists(select 1 from tb where code=a.code and convert(varchar(10),pushtime,120)=convert(varchar(10),a.pushtime,120) and pushtime>b.pushtime)) as 收盘价, (select max(price) from tb where code=a.code and convert(varchar(10),pushtime,120)=convert(varchar(10),a.pushtime,120)) as 最高价, (select min(price) from tb where code=a.code and convert(varchar(10),pushtime,120)=convert(varchar(10),a.pushtime,120)) as 最低价 from tb a
select convert(varchar(10),pushtime,120)时间,code as 代码,
(select top 1 price from tb b where code=a.code and convert(varchar(10),pushtime,120)=convert(varchar(10),a.pushtime,120) and not exists(select 1 from tb where code=a.code and convert(varchar(10),pushtime,120)=convert(varchar(10),a.pushtime,120) and pushtime<b.pushtime)) as 开盘价,
(select top 1 price from tb b where code=a.code and convert(varchar(10),pushtime,120)=convert(varchar(10),a.pushtime,120) and not exists(select 1 from tb where code=a.code and convert(varchar(10),pushtime,120)=convert(varchar(10),a.pushtime,120) and pushtime>b.pushtime)) as 收盘价,
(select max(price) from tb where code=a.code and convert(varchar(10),pushtime,120)=convert(varchar(10),a.pushtime,120)) as 最高价,
(select min(price) from tb where code=a.code and convert(varchar(10),pushtime,120)=convert(varchar(10),a.pushtime,120)) as 最低价
from tb a
CREATE TABLE #temp ( id int, recvdate datetime, value int ) INSERT INTO #temp(id,recvdate,value)VALUES(1,'2011-12-1',100) INSERT INTO #temp(id,recvdate,value)VALUES(1,'2011-11-8',50) INSERT INTO #temp(id,recvdate,value)VALUES(1,'2011-10-21',150) INSERT INTO #temp(id,recvdate,value)VALUES(2,'2011-09-10',200) INSERT INTO #temp(id,recvdate,value)VALUES(2,'2011-12-5',10) INSERT INTO #temp(id,recvdate,value)VALUES(2,'2011-01-5',245) INSERT INTO #temp(id,recvdate,value)VALUES(3,'2010-12-5',10) INSERT INTO #temp(id,recvdate,value)VALUES(3,'2011-12-6',100) INSERT INTO #temp(id,recvdate,value)VALUES(3,'2011-12-7',50) INSERT INTO #temp(id,recvdate,value)VALUES(4,'2011-12-10',12) SELECT t.id,max(t.value),(SELECT recvdate FROM #temp WHERE t.id=id AND max(t.value)=value) FROM #temp AS t GROUP BY id UNION SELECT t.id,min(t.value),(SELECT recvdate FROM #temp WHERE t.id=id AND min(t.value)=value) FROM #temp AS t GROUP BY id UNION SELECT t