日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20543 次

sqlserver列递归遍历表里面的数据 sqlserver递归 sql语句高级应用 sql递归查询 sql查询优化 sql组织结构查询优化 sqlwith使用
SQL code

select * from tab_org
select * from tab_orgcode

select * from tab_org where node_id='010001'
select distinct node2 from tab_org 
where node1='010001' and node2 is not null and node2<>''

select distinct node3 from tab_org 
where node2 in(
      select distinct node2 from tab_org 
      where node1='010001' and node2 is not null and node2<>''
) and node3 is not null and node3<>''

select distinct node4 from tab_org 
where node3 in(
      select distinct node3 from tab_org 
      where node2 in(
        select distinct node2 from tab_org 
        where node1='010001' and node2 is not null and node2<>''
      ) and node3 is not null and node3<>''
) and node3 is not null and node3<>''

SQL code

标题:SQL SERVER 2000中查询指定节点及其所有子节点的函数(表格形式显示)

create table tb(id varchar(3) , pid varchar(3) , name varchar(10))
insert into tb values('001' , null  , '广东省')
insert into tb values('002' , '001' , '广州市')
insert into tb values('003' , '001' , '深圳市')
insert into tb values('004' , '002' , '天河区')
insert into tb values('005' , '003' , '罗湖区')
insert into tb values('006' , '003' , '福田区')
insert into tb values('007' , '003' , '宝安区')
insert into tb values('008' , '007' , '西乡镇')
insert into tb values('009' , '007' , '龙华镇')
insert into tb values('010' , '007' , '松岗镇')

create function f_cid(@ID varchar(3)) returns @t_level table(id varchar(3) , level int)
  declare @level int
  set @level = 1
  insert into @t_level select @id , @level
  while @@ROWCOUNT > 0
    set @level = @level + 1
    insert into @t_level select a.id , @level
    from tb a , @t_Level b
    where a.pid = b.id and b.level = @level - 1

select a.* from tb a , f_cid('001') b where a.id = b.id order by a.id
id   pid  name       
---- ---- ---------- 
001  NULL 广东省
002  001  广州市
003  001  深圳市
004  002  天河区
005  003  罗湖区
006  003  福田区
007  003  宝安区
008  007  西乡镇
009  007  龙华镇
010  007  松岗镇

(所影响的行数为 10 行)

select a.* from tb a , f_cid('002') b where a.id = b.id order by a.id
id   pid  name       
---- ---- ---------- 
002  001  广州市
004  002  天河区

(所影响的行数为 2 行)

select a.* from tb a , f_cid('003') b where a.id = b.id order by a.id
id   pid  name       
---- ---- ---------- 
003  001  深圳市
005  003  罗湖区
006  003  福田区
007  003  宝安区
008  007  西乡镇
009  007  龙华镇
010  007  松岗镇

(所影响的行数为 7 行)

drop table tb
drop function f_cid