日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20604 次
update 2 set d=1 where a in (select a from 1) go update 1 set d=0
update t2 set d=1 from Template_ZDZ_Z_Rec t2 join StaNum_ZDZ_Rec_all t1 on t2.a=t1.a where t1.b='sx' and t1.c in('正常','缺报')
--"正常”和“缺报 另一个意思为同时包含正常”和“缺报 update t2 set d=1 from Template_ZDZ_Z_Rec t2 where exists(select 1 from StaNum_ZDZ_Rec_all where a.=t2.a and c='正常') and exists(select 1 from StaNum_ZDZ_Rec_all where a.=t2.a and c='缺报')
update a set a.d=1 from Template_ZDZ_Z_Rec a join StaNum_ZDZ_Rec_all b on a.a=b.a where b.b='sx' and b.c in ('正常','缺报')
select y.a,y.d from t2 y
left join t1 x
on x.a=y.a
where x.b='sx' and charindex(x.c,'正常缺报')>0
and x.a isnull
create table StaNum_ZDZ_Rec_all(a站号 int, b日期 int,c报文状态 varchar(50)) insert into StaNum_ZDZ_Rec_all select 50953 , 2007 , '正常' insert into StaNum_ZDZ_Rec_all select 50850 , 2007 , '缺报' insert into StaNum_ZDZ_Rec_all select 50772 , 2007 , '缺报' insert into StaNum_ZDZ_Rec_all select 50742 , 2007 , '正常' insert into StaNum_ZDZ_Rec_all select 50765 , 2007 , '好' create table Template_ZDZ_Z_Rec (a站号 int, d接收状态 int) insert into Template_ZDZ_Z_Rec select 50953 , 0 insert into Template_ZDZ_Z_Rec select 50850 , 0 insert into Template_ZDZ_Z_Rec select 50772 , 0 insert into Template_ZDZ_Z_Rec select 50742 , 0 insert into Template_ZDZ_Z_Rec select 50986 , 0 insert into Template_ZDZ_Z_Rec select 50812 , 0 select b.a站号 from Template_ZDZ_Z_Rec b where a站号 not in(select a站号 from StaNum_ZDZ_Rec_all b1 where b1.c报文状态 in ('正常','缺报'))