日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20628 次
if OBJECT_ID('tb') is not null drop table tb if OBJECT_ID('TEMP') is not null drop table TEMP if OBJECT_ID('FUN_NOWPRICE') is not null drop FUNCTION FUN_NOWPRICE if OBJECT_ID('FUN_NOWQTY') is not null drop FUNCTION FUN_NOWQTY go create table tb( id INT ,Date1 datetime ,ctype varchar(10) ,qnt float ,pri float ) --qnt 数量 --pri 单价 insert tb select 0,'2009-1-1', '进货', 10, 100 union all select 1,'2009-1-139
alter table tb add newc int; alter table tb add nowpric numeric(18,12) go update b set newc =isnull((select sum( case when ctype= '进货' then qnt else -qnt end) from tb where id <=b.id),0) from tb b declare @d numeric(18,12) set @d = 0 update tb set nowpric = @d*1.0/newc, @d = @d + case when ctype = '进货' then qnt else - qnt end * case when ctype = '进货' then pri else @d*1.0 / (newc+qnt) end select * from tb
create function getP1(@id int) returns real as begin declare @P real declare @type nvarchar(20) declare @price real declare @num real select @price=pri,@num=qnt,@type= ctype from tb where id=@id set @P=case when @id=0 then @price else case when @type='进货' then (dbo.getN(@id)*dbo.getP(@id-1)+@price*@num)/(dbo.getN(@id)+@num) else dbo.getP(@id-1) end end return @P end create function getN(@id int) returns real as begin declare @lastnum real declare @lnum real select @lastnum=isnull(sum(qnt),0) from tb where id<@id and ctype='进货' select @lnum=isnull(sum(qnt),0) from tb where id<@id and ctype='出货' return @lastnum-@lnum end select c.*,dbo.getP1(id) AVGprice from tb as c