select hzjxsdm,isnull(kkyh, ' ') as kkyh,max(hzjxsmc) as hzjxsmc,max(sf) as sf,isnull(count(*),0) as sl,
isnull(sum(ygje),0) as sumygje,isnull(sum(ysbj),0) as sumysbj,
isnull(sum(yslx),0) as sumyslx from
(select a.khmc,a.hzjxsdm,a.hzjxsmc,a.sf,a.hth,a.ysbj,a.yslx,a.ygje,a.qs,
case when charindex( '十堰 ',kkyh)> 0 and (charindex( '建设 ',kkyh)> 0 or charindex( '建行 ',kkyh)> 0)then
'中国建设银行股份有限公司十堰分行 ' when isnull(kkyh, ' ')= ' ' then '统一扣款 ' else kkyh end kkyh,b.kkyhzh from ht b with(nolock), ysygmx a with(nolock)
where a.yxbz= '1 ' and b.yxbz= '1 ' and a.hth=b.hth and convert(char(6),a.hkrq,112)= '200709 '
and b.hzjxsdm in(select hzjxsdm from gcxxtz with(nolock)where cxbz = '柳汽 ' and yxbz= '1 ') ) a group by hzjxsdm,isnull(kkyh, ' ')
order by hzjxsdm
这个查询语句执行时需要1分12秒。如果去掉and b.hzjxsdm in(select hzjxsdm from gcxxtz with(nolock)where cxbz = '柳汽 ' and yxbz= '1 ') 需要1秒钟。 怎么样修改才可以加快速度!!谢谢大家
ht b 15W条数据
ysygmx a 31W条数据
gcxxtz 1000条数据!
------解决方案--------------------and b.hzjxsdm in(select hzjxsdm from gcxxtz with(nolock)where cxbz = '柳汽 ' and yxbz= '1 ')
and exists(select 1 from gcxxtz with(nolock) where cxbz = '柳汽 ' and yxbz= '1 ' and hzjxsdm=b.hzjxsdm)