日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20612 次

SQL code

Num    Count2  Code
92126  200     '100202'
94752  100     '100202'
19     200     '100201'
20     100     '100201'
Num Count2 Code
21   200   '100202'
22   200   '100202'
23   200   '100202'
24   200   '100202'
25   200   '100202'
26   200   '100202'
47   100   '100202'
48   100   '100202'
49   100   '100202'
50   100   '100202'
51   100   '100202'
52   100   '100202'
19   200   '100201'
20   100   '100201'

SQL code
select b.Number Num,a.count2,a.code
from tb a
left join master..spt_values b
on a.Num>90000 and b.type='p'
and b.number between substring(rtrim(a.Num),2,2) and right(a.Num,2)
union all
select Num,count2,code
from tb
where Num<=900000

SQL code

--  Author: htl258(Tony)
--  Date  : 2009-08-05 14:08:24
--> 生成测试数据表:tb

If not object_id('[tb]') is null
    Drop table [tb]
Create table [tb]([Num] int,[Count2] int,[Code] varchar(10))
Insert tb
Select 92126,200,'100202' union all
Select 94752,100,'100202' union all
Select 19,200,'100201' union all
Select 20,100,'100201'
--Select * from tb

select b.number num,a.[Count2],a.code 
from tb a 
    join master..spt_values b 
        on b.type='p' and a.num>90000
        and b.number>=(a.num-90000)/100
        and b.number<=(a.num-90000)%100
union all
select * from tb where num<90000
num         Count2      code
----------- ----------- ----------
21          200         100202
22          200         100202
23          200         100202
24          200         100202
25          200         100202
26          200         100202
47          100         100202
48          100         100202
49          100         100202
50          100         100202
51          100         100202
52          100         100202
19          200         100201
20          100         100201

(14 行受影响)