日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:20974 次


10001 10005 5 100
10007 10012 6 200

10001 100
10002 100
10005 100
10007 200
10008 200
10012 200


SQL code

with t1 as
     select 10001 c1,10005 c2,5 c3,100 c4 from dual
     union all
     select 10007 c1,10012 c2,6 c3,200 c4 from dual

select distinct c1+level-1 c1,c4
from t1
connect by level <= c2 - c1 + 1
order by c1

     c1     c4
1    10001    100
2    10002    100
3    10003    100
4    10004    100
5    10005    100
6    10007    200
7    10008    200
8    10009    200
9    10010    200
10    10011    200
11    10012    200

SQL code
select distinct rt.beginresid - 1 + level, rt.price
  from resource_tab rt
connect by level < rt.count + 1

SQL code
with cte as(
select '10001' BeginResId, '10005' EndResId, 5 count, 100 price from dual
union all
select '10007', '10012', 6, 200 from dual
 select beginresid+level-1 resid,price from cte
    connect by level<=count and prior price=price and
    prior dbms_random.value is not null;
RESID                  PRICE                  
---------------------- ---------------------- 
10001                  100                    
10002                  100                    
10003                  100                    
10004                  100                    
10005                  100                    
10007                  200                    
10008                  200                    
10009                  200                    
10010                  200                    
10011                  200                    
10012                  200                    

11 rows selected