日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:21018 次

PL/SQL 查询函数


Oracle/PLSQL: Median Function

In Oracle/PLSQL, the median function returns the median of an expression.

The syntax for the median function is:

median( expression ) [ OVER ( query partition clause ) ]

For example:

select median(salary)
from employees
where department = 'Marketing';

with tb as (
select '王' name,'数学' course, 88 score, '2011-11-30 18:11:00' time from dual union all
select '王1' , '数学', 78, '2011-11-30 18:11:00' from dual union all
select '王2' , '数学', 99, '2011-10-30 18:11:00' from dual union all
select '张' , '数学', 67, '2011-11-30 18:11:00' from dual 

select median(score) as median from tb
