oracle存储过程查询报错 oracle存储过程执行异常,异常信息“ORA-06502:PL/SQL:numeric or value error:character string buffer too small”,请问这是什么原因呢?
------解决方案-------------------- 字段长度定义不够啊,修改下就行了
------解决方案-------------------- Returns a single line of buffered information, excluding a final newline character. You should declare the actual for this parameter as VARCHAR2 (32767) to avoid the risk of "ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small".
------解决方案-------------------- An arithmetic, numeric, string, conversion, or constraint error occurred. For example, this error occurs if an attempt is made to assign the value NULL to a variable declared NOT NULL, or if an attempt is made to assign an integer larger than 88 to a variable declared NUMBER(2).
------解决方案-------------------- 步调一下了。看一下日志。
------解决方案-------------------- ORA-06502:PL/SQL:numeric or value error:character string buffer too small. 这个错误在某些时候不一定是超长,可能是你在拼字符的时候有类型转换错误。
------解决方案-------------------- select lengthb(动态sql) from dual 和 select length(动态sql) from dual