日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:20982 次

replication_dependency_tracking turned off (no async multimaster replication found)
Starting background process QMNC
QMNC started with pid=16, OS id=9994
Mon Apr 9 20:47:23 2012
ORACLE Instance ezhou (pid = 8) - Error 600 encountered while recovering transaction (6, 13).
Mon Apr 9 20:47:23 2012
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/admin/ezhou/bdump/ezhou_smon_9978.trc:
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [25027], [1], [155941611], [], [], [], [], []
Mon Apr 9 20:47:24 2012
db_recovery_file_dest_size of 2048 MB is 78.59% used. This is a
user-specified limit on the amount of space that will be used by this
database for recovery-related files, and does not reflect the amount of
space available in the underlying filesystem or ASM diskgroup.
Mon Apr 9 20:47:24 2012

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [25027], [1], [155941611], [], [], [], [], []
Mon Apr 9 21:07:29 2012
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/admin/ezhou/bdump/ezhou_pmon_9966.trc:

db_recovery_file_dest_size of 2048 MB is 78.59% used. This is a
user-specified limit on the amount of space that will be used by this
database for recovery-related files, and does not reflect the amount of
space available in the underlying filesystem or ASM diskgroup.

SQL code

        connect / as sysdba
        alter system set events '10513 trace name context forever, level 2';
        shutdown immediate