日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20874 次

产品ID 年 月 价格
1000 2012 5 9
1000 2012 6 10
1000 2012 7 11
1000 2012 5 null
1001 2012 6 20
1001 2012 7 23
1000 2012 8 null
1001 2012 8 null

SQL code
update product pa set price = (
select max(price) from product pb where pa.id = pb.id
) where price is null;

SQL code
update product pa set price = (
select max(price) from product pb where pa.id = pb.id
) where price is null and year=2012 and month=8;

SQL code
update product p set price = ( select price from
  (select id, mth, price, row_number() over (partition by id order by year desc, month desc) rn from product where price is not null) prc_list
where prc_list.id = p.id and prc_list.rn = 1)
where price is null and year=2012 and month=8;