日期:2013-10-15  浏览次数:20723 次

PHP 4.06 正式版发布,修正了许多BUG,更加稳定

Fixed memory fragmention problem which could lead to web server processes growing much more than they should. (Andi, Zend Engine)

Made $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['foo'] and $foo be references to the same value when register_globals is on. (Andrei)
更改 $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['Foo'] 和 $Foo 在 register_globals 为 on 的时候为相同的参考值

Fixed disk_free_space() and disk_total_space() under FreeBSD. (Jon)
修正了在 FreeBSD 下面的 disk_free_sapce() 和 disk_total_space()函数错误

Fixed readfile/passthru losing resources during connection abort (Sascha)
修正了 readfile/passthru 在连接终止期间资源丢失的问题

Fixed bug in the mcrypt extension that caused segfaults when using a key that is too large for the used algorithm, and a bug that caused mcrypt_generic() to segfault PHP (Derick)
修正了在mcrypt 扩展中使用过大的密匙进行运算时引起的段失败错误,以及 mcrypt_generic()中同样引起段失败的一个错误

Fixed getopt so that it accepts command line arguments in the form -<opt><arg> and -<opt> <arg>. (Jmoore)
修正了 getopt 可以接收表单里面的 -<opt><arg> 和 -<opt><arg> 的命令行参数

Fixed race in writing session files (Sascha)
修正了在写 session 文件时的错误

Fixed a possible crash in the PHP CGI when no input file is specified (Zeev)
修正了 PHP CGI 在没有指定输入文件时可能出现的漏洞

Added is_callable() function that can be used to find out whether its argument is a valid callable construct. (Andrei)
增加了 is_callable() 函数用于判断它的参数是否是一个可调用的结构

Fixed a rare possible crash when generating extended information. (Dmitri Dmitrienko, Zend Engine)

Improved virtual() to support PHP-enabled URIs. (Zeev)
增强了 virtual() 用于支持 PHP-Enabled 地址

Fixed undefined behavior when using floating point keys in array() expressions. (Zeev, Zend Engine)
修正了在 array() 表达式里面使用浮点数关键字出现的未定义的行为

Fixed a possible crash in case of parse errors in include files or eval statements. (Zeev, Zend Engine)
修正了在包含文件(include)或者 eval 语句里面由于解析错误可能引起的漏洞

Added --with-layout configure option. (Stig)
增加了 --with-layout 配置参数

Improved interactive mode - supports function calls, and works in multithreaded builds. (Zeev, Zend Engine)

Fixed a crash bug in interactive mode. (Zeev, Zend Engine)

Added pg_last_notice() function. (Rasmus from suggestion by Dirk@rackspace.com)
增加了 pg_last_notice()函数

Fixed a bug in preg_split() that would incorrectly limit the number of results when used along with PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY flag. (Andrei)
修正了 preg_split() 在使用 PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY 标志时出现的错误限制结果的数量

Added connection error support to mysql_error() and mysql_errno(). (Jason)
增加了对 mysql_error() 和 mysql_errno() 对连接错误的支持

Added support to getimagesize to return dimensions of BMP and PSD files. (Derick)
getimagesize 函数增加了对 BMP 和 PSD 文件返回尺寸的支持

Added heuristic to kill stale IRC connections, message scanner caching, and nickname escaping to IRCG, suppress option to ircg_msg(), and statistics to IRCG phpinfo() output. (Sascha)
增加了启发式删除陈旧的 IRC 连接,信息扫描器缓存,呢称转化为 IRCG, irc_msg(0 限制参数和IRCG phpinfo()输出的统计

Added Japanese multibyte string functions support. (Rui)

Added Mac OS X "\r" line ending support. (Andi, Zend Engine)
增加了对 Mac OS 系统的 \r 行结束标记的支持

Fixed a bug regarding the $PHP_SELF being incorrectly registered when force-cgi-redirect was not enabled. (Sterling)
修正了在没有打开 force-cgi-redirect 的情况下,注册 $PHP_SELF 出现的错误

pfpro extension now supports version 3 of the Verisign SDK. (John Donagher)
pfpro 扩展支持 Version 3 的 Verisign SDK

Udm_Cat_List and Udm_Cat_Path functions has been added.
增加了 Udm_Cat_List 和 Udm_Cat_Path 函数

Added key_exists() to check if a given key or index exists in an array or object. (David Croft)