日期:2014-04-03 浏览次数:20751 次
Creates a table having the specified fields.wwww.iTbulo.comem8Zf
CREATE TABLE | DBF TableName1 [NAME LongTableName] [FREE] (FieldName1 FieldType [(nFieldWidth [, nPrecision])] [NULL | NOT NULL] [CHECK lExpression1 [ERROR cMessageText1]] [DEFAULT eExpression1] [PRIMARY KEY | UNIQUE] [REFERENCES TableName2 [TAG TagName1]] [NOCPTRANS] [, FieldName2 ...] [, PRIMARY KEY eExpression2 TAG TagName2 |, UNIQUE eExpression3 TAG TagName3] [, FOREIGN KEY eExpression4 TAG TagName4 [NODUP] REFERENCES TableName3 [TAG TagName5]] [, CHECK lExpression2 [ERROR cMessageText2]])| FROM ARRAY ArrayName
Long names can contain up to 128 characters and can be used in place of short file names in the database. wwww.iTbulo.comem8Zf
A single table can contain up to 255 fields. If one or more fields allow null values, the limit is reduced by one to 254 fields.
FieldType is a single letter indicating the field's data type. Some field data types require that you specify nFieldWidth or nPrecision, or both.
The following table lists the values for FieldType and whether nFieldWidth and nPrecision are required. wwww.iTbulo.comem8Zf
FieldType | nFieldWidth | nPrecision | Description |
C | n | – | Character field of width n |
D | – | – | Date |
T | – | – | DateTime |
N | n | d | Numeric field of width n with d decimal places |
F | n | d | Floating numeric field of width n with d decimal places |
I | – | – | Integer |
B | – | d | Double |
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