日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20402 次

Oracle 巡检工具:RDA 使用简介

      ㈠ 下载 RDA 并 解压缩:点击下载

[oracle@localhost vmshare]$ gunzip rda_4[1].1-051205.tar.gz
[oracle@localhost vmshare]$ tar -xf rda_4[1].1-051205.tar
[oracle@localhost vmshare]$ cd rda
[oracle@localhost rda]$ ls
DISCLAIM.txt  modules  RDA  rda.bat  rda.pl  rda.sh  README_Unix.txt  README_Windows.txt
[oracle@localhost rda]$ ./rda.sh -help=y
Usage: rda.pl [-bcdfltvwy] [-ABCDEHIKLMPRSTV] [-e list] [-m dir] [-s name]
              [-o out] [-p prof] arg ...
        -A      Authentify user through the setup file
        -B      Start background collection
        -C      Collect diagnostic information
        -D      Delete specified modules from the setup
        -E      Explain specified error numbers
        -H      Halt background collection
        -I      Regenerate the index
        -K      Kill background collection
        -L      List the modules available
        -M      Display the related manual pages
        -P      Package the reports (tar or zip)
        -R      Generate specified reports
        -S      Setup specified modules
        -T      Execute test modules
        -V      Display component version numbers
        -b      Don't backup setup file before saving
        -c      Check the RDA intsallation and exit
        -d      Set debug mode
        -e list Specify a list of alternate setting definitions (var=val,...)
        -f      Set force mode
        -h      Display the command usage and exit
        -l      Use a lock file to prevent concurrent usage of a setup file
        -m dir  Specify the module directory ('modules' by default)
        -o out  Specify the file for background collection output redirection
        -p prof Specify the setup profile ('Default' by default)
        -s name Specify the setup name ('setup' by default)
        -t      Set trace mode
        -v      Set verbose mode
        -w      Wait as long as the background collection daemon is active
        -y      Accept all defaults and skip all pauses

      ㈡ 初始化配置
         [oracle@localhost rda]$ ./rda.sh -S  
         完成配置后rda目录下会生成配置文件 setup.cfg、setup.bak, 如果需要重新调整配置参数,可以直接修改该文件
      ㈢ 采集数据

         [oracle@localhost rda]$ ./rda.sh
      ㈣ 访问数据

[oracle@localhost rda]$ ls
DISCLAIM.txt  modules  output  RDA  rda.bat  rda.pl  rda.sh  README_Unix.txt  README_Windows.txt  setup.bak  setup.cfg
[oracle@localhost rda]$ cd output/
[oracle@localhost output]$ ls

         访问 ***__start.htm,就可以看到这次采集的数据的详细信息

      ㈤ 样本展示

           [oracle@localhost output]$ firefox Rocky__start.htm