目前orcl数据库用sys as sysdba创建用户:
create user epa_dev identified by epa_dev default tablespace NNC_DATA01 temporary tablespace temp;
grant create session to epa_dev;
grant create table to epa_dev;
grant dba to epa_dev;
alter user epa_dev quota unlimited on NNC_DATA01;
create user eprk_dev identified by eprk_dev default tablespace NNC_DATA01 temporary tablespace temp;
grant dba to eprk_dev;
alter user eprk_dev quota unlimited on NNC_DATA01;
create user wujian identified by wujian default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp;
grant create session to wujian;
grant create table to wujian;
alter user wujian quota unlimited on users;
grant dba to wujian;
grant all on wujian."user" to wujian;
select * from dba_sys_privs where lower(grantee)='wujian';
select * from dba_tab_privs where lower(grantee)='wujian';