日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20458 次
--创建表空间 CREATE TABLESPACE RICE2013 DATAFILE 'D:\app\lenovo\oradata\rice\rice2013.dbf' size 800M EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO; --索引表空间 CREATE TABLESPACE RICE2013_INDEX DATAFILE 'D:\app\lenovo\oradata\rice\rice2013_index.dbf' size 512M EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO; --创建用户 create user rice identified by rice2013 default tablespace RICE2013; --赋权限 grant connect,resource to rice; grant create any sequence to rice; grant create any table to rice; grant delete any table to rice; grant insert any table to rice; grant select any table to rice; grant unlimited tablespace to rice; grant execute any procedure to rice; grant update any table to rice; grant create any view to rice; --导入导出命令 ip导出方式: exp rice/rice2013@ file=f:/f.dmp full=y exp rice/rice2013@orcl file=f:/f.dmp full=y imp rice/rice2013@orcl file=f:/f.dmp full=y ignore=y