日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20482 次
来自MSDN:FORATTACH requires the following:
· Alldata files (MDF and NDF) must be available.
· Ifmultiple log files exist, they must all be available.
Ifa read/write database has a single log file that is currently unavailable, andif the database was shutdown with no users or open transactions before the attach operation, FORATTACH automatically rebuilds the log file and updates the primary file. Incontrast, for a read-only database, the log cannot be rebuilt because theprimary file cannot be updated. Therefore, when you attach a read-only databasewhose log is unavailable, you must provide the log files or files in the FORATTACH clause.
· 所有数据文件(MDF和 NDF)都必须可用。
· 如果存在多个日志文件,这些文件都必须可用。
如果一个可读/写数据库具有一个当前不可用的日志文件,并且进行附加操作前在没有使用用户或打开的事务的情况下关闭了该数据库,那么 FOR ATTACH 会自动重新生成日志文件并更新主文件。相比之下,对于只读数据库,由于主文件不能更新,将不能重新生成日志。因此,如果附加一个日志不可用的只读数据库,必须在 FOR ATTACH 子句中提供日志文件或文件。