日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20499 次
针对第二种方案,dblink一般使用场景是在两台及以上服务器之间进行数据迁移,dblink它只为在两个服务器之间建立一个可互相访问的桥梁,最终还是需要进行insert into table select * from table。
思路:创建一个临时用户,刷入最新表结构,此时表中无任何数据,通过查询all_tables视图,查询出老用户的所有表对象,并通过查询dba_tab_columns视图,查询出每一个表的数据列,因为新表相对旧表有新增字段(注:这些新增字段是允许为null的,不然这种方案不一定好例),再通过insert into table(columns) select columns from table语句将数据批量插入到新表中;同时为防止后续数据插入引起主键冲突,还需修改每个表对应序列的开始值,通过查询dba_sequences视图,将老用户中的所有序列对象名和last_number查询出来,再在新用户中通过删除老序列,创建新序列改变它的start with值即可。
grant select on all_tables to TEMP_SDU; grant select on dba_tab_columns to TEMP_SDU; grant select on dba_sequences to TEMP_SDU; grant connect,dba,resource to TEMP_SDU; grant alter any sequence to TEMP_SDU; grant create any sequence to TEMP_SDU; grant execute any procedure to TEMP_SDU; grant select any table to TEMP_SDU;
--获取表中的数据列,并进行批量插入 --table_name 表名 --temp_user 临时用户名 create or replace procedure p_getcolumns(table_name varchar2,temp_user varchar2) as type ref_table_cursor is ref cursor; table_cursor ref_table_cursor; column_name varchar2(200); str_table_name varchar2(200); print_column varchar2(10000); str_sql varchar2(10000); begin str_table_name := table_name; --Check out all the temporary user table column open table_cursor for select t.COLUMN_NAME from dba_tab_columns t where t.TABLE_NAME=str_table_name and t.OWNER=temp_user; loop fetch table_cursor into column_name; exit when table_cursor%notfound; --dbms_output.put_line(str_table_name||'--'||column_name); print_column := print_column||column_name||','; end loop; close table_cursor; print_column := substr(print_column,1,length(print_column)-1); str_sql := 'insert into '||table_name||'('||print_column||') select '||print_column||' from '||temp_user||'.'||table_name; --dbms_output.put_line(str_table_name||'--'||str_sql); execute immediate str_sql; commit; print_column := ''; str_sql := ''; end p_getcolumns; / --修改序列开始值 --temp_user 临时用户名 create or replace procedure p_modify_sequences(temp_user varchar2) as cursor cur_sequence is select sequence_name from dba_sequences where sequence_owner=temp_user and sequence_name not like '%S_BME%'; seq_name varchar2(50); sequence_num number; num_count number; begin open cur_sequence; loop fetch cur_sequence into seq_name; exit when cur_sequence%notfound; select count(*) into num_count from dba_sequences s where s.sequence_owner=temp_user and s.sequence_name=seq_name; if num_count>0 then select s.last_number into sequence_num from dba_sequences s where s.sequence_owner=temp_user and s.sequence_name=seq_name; select count(*) into num_count from dba_sequences s where s.sequence_owner='TEMP_SDU' and s.sequence_name=seq_name; if num_count>0 then execute immediate 'drop sequence '||seq_name; end if; execute immediate 'create sequence '||seq_name||' minvalue 1 maxvalue 999999999999 start with '||sequence_num||' increment by 1 nocache cycle'; end if; end loop; close cur_sequence; exception when no_data_found then sequence_num:=1; dbms_output.put_line(sqlerrm); when others then sequen