日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20538 次
import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; public final class JDBCUtil { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(JDBCUtil.class); //使用ThreadLocal保存Connection private static ThreadLocal<Connection> local = new ThreadLocal<Connection>(); private static JDBCUtil instance = new JDBCUtil(); private JDBCUtil() { } public static JDBCUtil getInstance() { return instance; } /** * @Title: getConnection * @Description: 获取数据库连接 * @return Connection * @author * @date 2011-12-29 */ public static Connection getConnection() { // 获取jdbc.properties中配置的key-value ParseSqlPropertiesFile.getInstance().getJDBCConfig(); String driverClass = JDBCConstants.jdbcMap.get("jdbc.driverclass"); String url = JDBCConstants.jdbcMap.get("jdbc.url"); String user = JDBCConstants.jdbcMap.get("jdbc.username"); String password = JDBCConstants.jdbcMap.get("jdbc.password"); // 记录连接属性日志 LogJDBCProperties.getInstance().logConnectionProperty(driverClass, url, user, password); Connection connection = null; try { Class.forName(driverClass); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { LOG.error("can not find class:'" + driverClass + "'", e); return connection; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("load driverClass faile!", e); return connection; } try { connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password); if (null == local.get()) { local.set(connection); } } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error("get connection faile!", e); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("get connection faile!", e); } return local.get(); } /** * @Title: close * @Description: 关闭与数据库的连接 * @param conn * @param rs * @param s * @author * @date 2011-12-29 */ public static void close(Connection conn, ResultSet rs, Statement s) { if (null != rs) { try { rs.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error("close ResultSet faile!", e); } } if (null != s) { try { s.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error("close Statement faile!", e); } } if (null != conn) { try { conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error("close Connection faile!", e); } } } public static void rollback(Connection connection) { if (null != connection) { try { connection.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error("connection rollback faile!", e); } } } /* * public static void main(String[] args) { * * Connection connection = JDBCUtil.getInstance().getConnection(); * * if (null != connection) { boolean isClose = true; try { isClose = * connection.isClosed(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } * if (isClose) { System.out.println("can not connect to database."); } else * { System.out.println("connect to database success."); } } else { * System.out .println("connection is null,can not connect to database."); } * close(connection,null,null); } */ }?