日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20456 次



使用junit 4 测试。





import java.sql.Types;

import org.junit.Test;

public class TestJDBCCore {

	public void queryById() {
		String sql = "select empno,ename from emp where empno=?";
		String[] params = new String[] { "7369" };
		String[][] result = JDBCCore.getInstance().query(sql, params);

		if (null != result) {
			String empno = result[0][0];
			String ename = result[0][1];
			System.out.println(empno + "\t" + ename);

	public void queryAll() {
		String sql = "select empno,ename from emp order by empno";
		String[][] result = JDBCCore.getInstance().query(sql, null);

		if (null != result) {

			String empno = null, ename = null;

			for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
				empno = result[i][0];
				ename = result[i][1];
				System.out.print(empno + "\t" + ename + "\n");

	public void queryByName() {
		String sql = "select empno,ename from emp where ename=?";
		String[] params = new String[] { "test_add" };
		String[][] result = JDBCCore.getInstance().query(sql, params);

		if (null != result) {

			int resultLength = result.length;

			if (resultLength == 1) {
				String empno = result[0][0];
				String ename = result[0][1];
				System.out.println(empno + "\t" + ename);
			} else if (resultLength > 1) {

				String empno = null, ename = null;

				for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
					empno = result[i][0];
					ename = result[i][1];
					System.out.print(empno + "\t" + ename + "\n");

	public void insert() {
		String sql = "insert into emp(empno,ename) values(?,?)";
		String[] params = new String[] { "2", "emp_2" };
		int rows = JDBCCore.getInstance().operate(sql, params);

	public void update() {
		String sql = "update emp set ename=? where empno=?";
		String[] params = new String[] { "2_emp", "2" };
		int rows = JDBCCore.getInstance().operate(sql, params);

	public void delete() {
		String sql = "delete from emp where empno=?";
		String[] params = new String[] { "2" };
		int rows = JDBCCore.getInstance().operate(sql, params);

	public void callProcedure() {
		String sql = "{call P_ADD_EMP(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}";
		String[][] params = new String[][] { { "in", "1" }, { "IN", "emp_1" },
				{ "IN", null }, { "IN", null }, { "IN", null }, { "IN", null },
				{ "IN", null }, { "IN", "30" },
				{ "out", String.valueOf(Types.INTEGER) } };

		String[] result = JDBCCore.getInstance().callProcedure(sql, params);

		if (null == result || 1 > result.length) {
			System.out.println("call Procedure faile.");
		int res = -1;

		try {
			res = Integer.valueOf(result[0]);
		} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
			res = -11;
		if (-1 == res) {
			System.out.println("the empno you want to add can not be null");
		} else if (1 == res) {
			System.out.println("the empno you want to add has existed");
		} else if (2 == res) {
			System.out.println("the deptno you want to add does not exist");
		} else if (3 == res) {
			System.out.println("occur exception.");
		} else if(0 == res) {
			System.out.println("insert success");
		} else {
			System.out.println("insert faile");