日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20605 次
Percona Server 5.1.47-11.0 版本发布没几天(6-21),因发现一个严重的bug,又对该版本召回,为此 Percona 重新发布了一个 11.1 的补丁版本(6-29)。
MySQL Query Cache works by checking incoming queries if they may be found in query cache – this is done by performing simple check if query is starting from SEL or comment. After Query is parsed and executed MySQL stores results for SELECT queries in Query Cache. There are cases when queries will not be considered as cachable query during first check, however result for them will be stored in the query cache. This rare case was not handled properly in the new feature added and it was causing MySQL to crash.
The most typical case for queries causing issues would be queries starting with brackets such as ( select * from t1 ) Queries starting with brackets are often used with UNION queries.
./configure? --with-charset=gbk? --with-extra-charsets=all --enable-local-infile --enable-thread-safe-client --enable-assembler? --with-plugins=innobase,partition? --prefix=/home/ddb/wangwei/mysql-5.1.47-xtradb-net? --with-big-tables --with-readline
正常,后来进行系统库初始化(mysql_install_db)的时候,出现错误,所无法识别参数,我靠,那说明根本就没有安装成功XtraDB 嘛。
100630 17:48:33 [ERROR] /home/ddb/wangwei/mysql-5.1.47-xtradb-net/libexec/mysqld: unknown variable 'innodb_data_home_dir=/home/ddb/wangwei/xtradb-data/mysql'
同样的编译命令,安装MySQL-5.1.45+Xtradb-1.0.6就没有这个问题。看来是源码包的问题了,也有人遇到类似的问题。http://forum.percona.com/index.php/m/5874 /#msg_5874 。
不甘心,后来改变下编译参数,把--with-plugins=innobase,partition ---》--with-plugins=max ,继续编译,编译成功,系统库初始化没有异常,汗。启动MySQL,登录之,正常:
mysql> status
/home/ddb/wangwei/mysql-5.1.47-xtradb-net/bin/mysql? Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.1.47, for unknown-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 5.1
Connection id:????????? 1
Current database:
Current user:?????????? root@localhost
SSL:??????????????????? Not in use
Current pager:????????? stdout
Using outfile:????????? ''
Using delimiter:??????? ;
Server version:???????? 5.1.47-log Source distribution
Protocol version:?????? 10
Connection:???????????? Localhost via UNIX socket
Server characterset:??? utf8
Db???? characterset:??? utf8
Client characterset:??? utf8
Conn.? characterset:??? utf8
UNIX socket:??????????? /home/ddb/wangwei/xtradb/mysql/mysqld.sock
Uptime:???????????????? 27 sec
Threads: 1? Questions: 7? Slow queries: 0? Opens: 15? Flush tables: 1? Open tables: 8? Queries per second avg: 0.259
mysql> show engines ;
| Engine???? | Support | Comment??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? | Transactions | XA?? | Savepoints |
| ndbcluster | NO????? | Clustered, fault-tolerant tables?????????????????????????????? | NULL???????? | NULL | NULL?????? |
| MRG_MYISAM | YES???? | Collection of identical MyISAM tables????????????????????????? | NO?????????? | NO?? | NO???????? |
| BLACKHOLE? | YES???? | /dev/null storage engine (anything you write to it disappears) | NO?????????? | NO?? | NO???????? |
| CSV??????? | YES???? | CSV storage engine???????????????????????????????????????????? | NO?????????? | NO?? | NO???????? |
| MEMORY???? | YES???? | Hash based, stored in memory, useful for temporary tables????? | NO?????????? | NO?? | NO???????? |
| FEDERATED? | NO????? | Federated MySQL storage engine???????????????????????????????? | NULL???????? | NULL | NULL?????? |<