日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20716 次
Oracle系列之一----Datatype And Subprogram:http://overshit.iteye.com/admin/blogs/932585;
Oracle系列之二----Exception And Expression:http://overshit.iteye.com/admin/blogs/932605;
Oracle系列之三----Implicit Cursor:http://overshit.iteye.com/admin/blogs/932609;
Oracle系列之四----Dynamic Cursor:http://overshit.iteye.com/admin/blogs/932610;
Oracle系列之五----Cursor And Variable:http://overshit.iteye.com/admin/blogs/932612;
----non query ddl drop table temp; create table temp( tid varchar2(10), tname varchar2(20) ) begin execute immediate 'drop table temp'; end; select * from temp; ----non query binding variable begin execute immediate 'insert into temp values(4,:tname)' using &variable; commit; end; ----binding variable:the efficiency of using binding variable mode outclass(much higher than) using character mode; delete from tb; create table tb( tbname varchar2(10) ) select * from tb; ----character mode begin for i in 1..10000 loop execute immediate 'insert into tb values (' || i || ')'; end loop; rollback; end; ----binding variable mode begin for i in 1..10000 loop execute immediate 'insert into tb values(:param)' using i; end loop; end; ----non query returning:when input parameter,do not need input '' and tid can not change! drop table temp; create table temp( tid number(3), tname varchar2(20) ) insert into temp values (1,'meilin'); insert into temp values (2,'bing'); insert into temp values (3,'qing'); declare v_tid number(3); v_tname varchar2(20); strsql varchar2(200); begin strsql := 'update temp set tname =: tname where tid =: tid returning tid,tname into :a,:b'; execute immediate strsql using '&tname',&tid returning into v_tid,v_tname; dbms_output.put_line(v_tid || '---' || v_tname); end; select * from temp; ----query ref cursor declare type curType is ref cursor; v_cur curType; rowdata temp%rowtype; strsql varchar2(200); begin strsql := 'select * from temp where tid>:tid'; open v_cur for strsql using 0; loop fetch v_cur into rowdata; exit when v_cur%notfound; dbms_output.put_line(rowdata.tid || '---' || rowdata.tname); end loop; end; ----return implicit cursor declare type temp_row is table of temp%rowtype index by binary_integer; v_row temp_row; strsql varchar2(200); begin strsql := 'select * from temp where tid > :tid'; execute immediate strsql bulk collect into v_row using 0; for i in 1..v_row.count loop dbms_output.put_line(v_row(i).tid || '---' || v_row(i).tname); end loop; end;
Oracle中index by binary_integer:如type num is table of number index by binary_integer, 加了index by binary_integer后,num类型的下标就是自增长,num类型插入元素时无需初始化,不需每次extend增加一个空间; 而如果没有有index by binary_integer,则需显示对初始化,且每插入一个元素到num类型的table中都需extend; 没加index by binary_integer: declare type num is table of number; n numis := num(); begin n.extend; n(1) := 2; n.extend; n(2) := 3; for i in 1..n.count loop dbms_output.put_line(n(i)); end loop; end; 输出2和3; 加index by binary_integer: declare type num is table of number; n num; begin n(1) = 2; n(2) : 3; for i in 1..n.count loop dbms_output.put_line(n(i)); end loop; end; ----------------------------------account.sql---------------------------------- drop table account; create table account( id number(3) not null, --账户id name varchar2(50) not null, --账户名 balance number(8,2) not null, --账户余额 btime date default sysdate not null --开户时间 ) insert into account (id,name,balance,btime)values (1,'张三',2000.23,TO_DATE('12-02-2008','dd-mm-yyyy')); insert into account (id,name,balance,btime)valu