日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20456 次





ALCA in Redis-land

Short summary of an adventurous journey in the NOSQL world with Redis.

The legs of our journey

As every other journey, the ours too is made of legs, so let’s write them down before going on:

  1. Redis? What is it?
  2. Available datatypes
  3. Where’s my tables?
  4. A simple use case
  5. Back home

Leg 1: Redis? What is it?

Leg 1: Redis? 是什么?

To make a long story short, Redis is a sort of key-value database on steroids. Why steroids? Simply because Redis is extremely fast (all data are loaded in memory and saved on disk, if desired) and feature rich (it supports various datatypes along with many complex operations on them).

Redis是一个key-value数据库 on sterodis.Why steroids?简单的来说Redis是非常的快(如果可以的话,所有数据都被加载到内存中,保存在磁盘上)而且有很多的特点(支持多种独立的数据类型,和在类型上的复杂操作)

An important peculiarity of Redis is the fact that it’s not a database in the common meaning of the word; it is a database in the sense that it stores and keeps data for you, but it doesn’t provide any SQL dialect to play with them (as relational databases do). Don’t be afraid, Redis is not a store-and-lose database, it just doesn’t provide our beloved SQL and all its amenities, but it has a robust and tested