日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20605 次
select * from A t, B mbf, C m where t.firmId = mbf.firmId and mbf.brokerId = m.brokerId and trunc(cleardate ) <= to_Date('20120312','yyyymmdd') and trunc(cleardate ) >= to_Date('20110101','yyyymmdd')
? ?select count(*) from A ?--105824591
? ?select count(*) from B ?--19993
? ?select count(*) from C ?--650
select * from A t, B mbf, C m where t.firmId = mbf.firmId and mbf.brokerId = m.brokerId and cleardate <= to_Date('20120312','yyyymmdd') and cleardate >= to_Date('20110101','yyyymmdd'