日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20768 次
su - db2inst1 db2start
select * from t_option where OPTION_SET in ('PJtype','PJstat') export to t_option.txt.20100906 of del select * from t_option export to t_authorization.txt.zq_e.20100906 of del select * from t_authorization where TRANSCODE like '%ZQ_E%' export to t_child_busi_tran.txt.zq_e.20100906 of del select * from t_child_busi_tran where TRAN_CODE like '%ZQ_E%' export to t_teller_busi.txt.all.20100906 of del select * from t_teller_busi
select * from t_teller where brch_no1 = '06221' and teller_level >10 机构柜员信息查询 select * from t_brhm where branch_no like '141%' select * from t_teller where brch_no1 = '08593' export to t_teller.txt.20100901 of del select * from t_teller where brch_no1 = '08593'
db2 connect to ecap db2 -tvf test.sql
select * from t_child_busi_tran where TRAN_CODE like 'JM_F12_9140%'; select * from t_child_busi_tran where TRAN_CODE like 'JM_F11_9140%';
db2 connect to ecapdb 查看表结构 db2 describe table t_authorization select * from t_authorization" Column name schema Data type name Length Scale s ------------------------------- --------- ------------------- ---------- ----- - TRANSCODE SYSIBM VARCHAR 20 0 SUBTRANSCODE SYSIBM VARCHAR 20 0 AUTHPOINT SYSIBM INTEGER 4 0 AUTHGRADE SYSIBM VARCHAR 8 0 AUTHTYPE SYSIBM VARCHAR 8 0 PROMPTMSG SYSIBM VARCHAR 500 0 AUTHDESCRIP SYSIBM VARCHAR 500 0 select * from t_authorization where TRANSCODE = 'GM_F6_91114200' select * from t_authorization where TRANSCODE = '_B2_000045' insert into t_authorization values('GM_F6_91114100','',4,'','302','','') insert into t_authorization values('GM_F6_91114100','',1,'12','100','','') delete from t_authorization where TRANSCODE = 'GM_F6_91114100' db2 commit
db2 export to t_teller.txt of del select * from t_teller where brch_no1='04446' EXPORT TO myfile.del OF DEL MESSAGES msg.out SELECT staff.name, staff.dept, org.location FROM org, staff WHERE org.deptnumb = staff.dept; db2 import from t_teller.txt of del insert into t_teller
db2 "export to t_option.txt of del select * from t_option" db2 "import from t_option.txt of del insert into t_option"
select TELLER_NO,TELLER_LEVEL from T_TELLER where BRCH_NO1 = '20102' update T_TELLER set TELLER_LEVEL = 7 where TELLER_NO = '0005050' select TELLER_NO,TELLER_LEVEL from T_TELLER where BRCH_NO1 = '20402' and TELLER_NO = '0005050' update t_authorization set AUTHTYPE = '301' where TRANSCODE = '_QY_F3_92607100' update t_authorization set AUTHTYPE = '301' where TRANSCODE = '_QY_F3_92607200' update t_authorization set AUTHTYPE = '100' where TRANSCODE = '_QY_F3_92607100' and AUTHPOINT = 1 update t_authorization set AUTHTYPE = '100' where TRANSCODE = '_QY_F3_92607200' and AUTHPOINT = 1
//刷新下拉框 select * from t_option where OPTION_SET = 'VoucherType10' select * from t_option where OPTION_SET = 'aprvsign' delete from t_option select * from t_option where OPTION_SET = 'TCchaType' db2 describe table t_opti