Microsoft Windows Server Update Services 無法安裝 Selfupdate MSI。 如需相關資訊,請參閱安裝記錄 "C:\Program Files\Update Services\LogFiles\WSUSSetup_070425_1413.log "。
2007-04-25 14:13:42 Success MWUSSetup Copying installation settings to the registry
2007-04-25 14:13:42 Success MWUSSetup Installing MSUS...
2007-04-25 14:13:42 Success MWUSSetup Installing MWUS With Command Line SETUP_EXE=1 WUS_INSTALLMODE= "128 " AUTHENTICATED_USERS= "NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users " CONTENT_LOCAL= "1 " SQLINSTANCE_NAME= "%computername% " CUSTOMACTION_LOG= "C:\Program Files\Update Services\LogFiles\WSUSCa_070425_1413.log " REPLICA_PARENT_PORT
2007-04-25 14:13:43 Success CustomActions.Dll .Net framework path: C:\WINNT\Microsoft.Net\Framework\v1.1.4322
2007-04-25 14:13:47 Success CustomActions.Dll Creating WSUS Administrators user group
2007-04-25 14:13:48 Success CustomActions.Dll Successfully created WSUS Administrators user group
2007-04-25 14:14:54 Success CustomActions.Dll Successfully configured the database
2007-04-25 14:14:55 Info IISCustomAction Performing Setup Action, Command /Install
2007-04-25 14:16:59 Info IISCustomAction Command /Install Succeeded
2007-04-25 14:17:29 Success CustomActions.Dll Successfully created shortcut for WSUS website
2007-04-25 14:17:31 Success MWUSSetup WSUS Installed Successfully
2007-04-25 14:17:31 Success MWUSSetup MWUS is installed successfully. Performing post MWUS install operations
2007-04-25 14:17:31 Success MWUSSetup Installing Client Self Update Binaries
2007-04-25 14:17:52 Error MWUSSetup Selfupdate MSI Installation Failed. (Error 0x80070643: 安裝時發生嚴重錯誤。)
2007-04-25 14:17:52 Error MWUSSetup