日期:2014-04-18  浏览次数:20748 次

    6月18日,CNET.com公布了首次"Webware 100"大奖评选获奖结果,此项结果是由旗下站点Webware.com的编辑评选出的,这一评选结果包含最佳Web2.0网站,和引领网络创新的服务和应用程序等奖项。

  CNET资深记者Rafe Needleman表示,Web 2.0应用大潮即将到来,我们所评选出的Webware 100是由广大的网友以及编辑共同评选出来的,权衡了专业观点及网友意愿,重新定义了电脑和互联网行业,使得我们可以重新审视这些企业。


  浏览器类:Firefox, Google Reader, Internet Explorer 7, Netvibes, OpenID, Opera, Safari, StumbleUpon, My Yahoo, and yourminis

  通信类:AIM, Gmail, GrandCentral, Meebo, Skype, Trillian, Windows Live Hotmail, Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo! Mail, and Yahoo! Messenger

  社区类:Bebo, DeviantArt, Digg, Dogster/Catster, Facebook, Friendster, Gaia Online, LinkedIn, Me.dium, and MySpace

  资料数据类:AllPeers, Apple.Mac, BitTorrent, Box.net, ChaCha, Google, Pando, Windows Live Search, Yahoo! Search, and YouSendIt

  娱乐类:Desktop Tower Defense, Eventful, GameGum, Homestar Runner, Line Rider, Newsgrounds, Revision3, Stardoll, Yahoo!Bix, and You Don't Know Jack

  多媒体类:Flickr, Fotki, Last.fm, Netflix, Pandora, Photobucket, uStream.TV, Yahoo!Video, YouTube, and Zooomr

  移动应用: 1-800-GOOG-411, 3Jam, Google Gmail Mobile, Google Maps Mobile, Mundu Radio, Radar.net, ShoZu, SoonR, TellMe, and Yahoo OneSearch

  生产力类:Amazon, Basecamp, Blinksale, Craigslist, eBay, Google AdWords/Adsense, Google Calendar, Google Docs & Spreadsheets, Microsoft Office Live, and PayPal

  出版类:Adobe Flash, Blogger, Drupal CMS, FeedBurner, Google Analytics, PollDaddy, Silverlight, TypePad, Vox, and Wordpress

  知识参考类:Answers.com, Ask.com maps, Geni, Google Maps, IMDB, Microsoft Virtual Earth, webMD, Wikia, Wikipedia, and Yahoo Maps

  此次参加Webware 100评选的候选名单是由Webware.com编辑从上千个名单中甄选出来,而最终获奖者由网友在网上投票产生的。投票过程中获得了45万余选票,最终选出了10大类的10个获奖者。