日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:20688 次

Eclipse实用插件--Eclipse HTML Editor Plugin

名称:Eclipse HTML Editor Plugin




Eclipse HTML Editor is an Eclipse plugin for HTML/JSP/XML Editing. It works on Eclipse 3.0 (or higher), JDT and GEF. It has following features.

  • HTML/JSP/XML/CSS/DTD/JavaScript Hilighting
  • HTML/JSP Preview
  • JSP/XML Validation
  • Contents Assist (HTML Tags/Attributes, XML based on DTD and JSP taglib and more)
  • Wizards for creating HTML/JSP/XML files
  • Outline View
  • Editor Preferences
  • Editor Folding
  • Web Browser (It works as an Eclipse's editor)
  • Image Viewer
  • Tag Palette
  • CSS code completion and outline
  • DTD code completion, outline and validation
  • JavaScript code completion, outline and validation
